A hug in a cup

For many many years I've been a devoted coffee lover. Anyway, this status of mine started to change since the start of the year with a transition to opposite side of the road, the competition, my new zen: GREEN TEA, which I've always wanted to drink on a normal basis, but never got used to its flavor until now. 
 Now, please don't get me wrong I still love me some coffee on its own or accompanied by cream or milk, but as someone as me that gets excited to the bone with the things I love I had to tone it down a bit. Because, I must confess my sins: I did abuse the power of this magical drink to the point that its most known property had no effect in me anymore. Also, thanks to the caffeine my teeth got temporarily darker and, during my period, cramps hurt like hell. 

 Innocent as it sounds, that's the closest I've gotten my butt into any kind of "consumption abuse". Nevertheless, this practise has always been familiar to me from neighbours, close classmates and some friends, the last two involved with the use of marijuana, plant that can benefit and contribute the organism, but whose smoke can be addictive and, therefore, dangerous.

File:Cannabis sativa Sturm04037.jpg  As far as I know, the use of cannabis feelings of calmness, make you feel relaxed and can also help with the pain but, in bigger doses can provoke some states of paranoia, panic crises and hallucinations. Anyway, let's keep in mind that the effects described before may vary between people and it all depends on the dosage used.

 Now, the long term abuse of this drug it's a completely different story... Correlated to the development of anxiety, psychosis and depression, and the predisposition of  the appearance of mental disorders. Luckily, that's not the case of any of my acquaintances, but as everyone say there's always the risk of not being able to control neither "rationalise" the use of it anymore.

 Let's recap: I'm not encouraging neither completely judging the use of at least this kind of drug (in my immature and young, but not worthless, belief). Nevertheless, if any of you would consider to use it, I'd recommend to think and reflect about it a lot, I guess????? Or, at the very least, to be completely sure that you want to do it.

-End of the transmission.-


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