Not my mother language

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It is known that the best age to learn a language is when you're a kid. Anyway, that wasn't the case for me.
For a really long time, I fought with the most simple and basic tasks that were involved with the language, winning the battle only a few times, shortly, none. So you may understand that my grades on the subject weren't the best... to be more exactly they were terrible. And then, finishing middle school, my mother decided that I had to have English classes. 
Those classes, that lasted for about 4-5 years, completely changed not only my grades but also my abilities with the language. So, thankfully, I've had a pleasant experience by learning more about the language and, more importantly, practising it (the openly known secret to the triumph). Regarding this topic, the blog has had amazing results in my writing abilities, that were not the best although I tried hard.

Imagen relacionadaAt the moment, not only I'm writing better in English, but I also feel more comfortable with it. You may think that it's stupid to feel insecure about writing in English but is not. All along my students years, I've met many people that were great on the subject and could understand and talk completely well, but when it came to write they'd shut themselves with any progress at all. Now I know that the only way to loosen the hand is just to simply write, but I also now that there's more to improve in it.
What do I plan to do to improve my English skills? I have no idea, but writing sounds like a great plan, accompanied with readings lots and lots in English, a task that I've obliged myself not to leave behind so all of the years I spent learning this language will not go to waste. Especially now, at uni, a place where it finally seems I can use my English abilities to the fullest.


  1. I would have liked to take more importance to this language when I was young.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. English is a very beautiful language!!!!!


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