About the time I visited Cobquecura

Since I was a child my father has talked to me about this wonderful and almost magic place where he was welcomed to the world and lived until he was a grown up man. A place which summers would be so hot as to tan his skin to a dark brown colour and burned his bare feet when he walk by the beach, and which winters would be so rainy that he would be soaked in water when he had to walk miles to go to school in the dark and cold mornings.

This place is Cobquecura, which is described (by my father) as the most beautiful place in Chile (and sometimes,when he is feeling nostalgic, the world) and it's located in Ñuble, Bio Bio's region. 

Stone Church by Flavio Camus
I was blessed. as my father likes to say, to go there with my family (mom, dad, cousin and niece) some winters ago, sadly, only for a few days.

As soon as we got there we knew that luck was not by our sides, because the dark and stormy looking clouds that adorned the sky where doing their job with all their might. Moreover the wind was not helping either, hindering our steps as we tried to protect ourselves from the rain. 

This show was not new to Cobquecura, but for my family, except my father, it was. And even though it was freezing cold the fact that we could say that we had lived a real storm entertained us for the rest of the day. 

The sun brightened up the last days of our trip and helped us meet some beautiful places that Cobquecura had to show. One of those and by far my favourite is the Stone Church, which is a gallery by the beach that when the tides up gets completely filled with water. Luckily, the sun helped our way inside the caves whose walls were lightened by the water's reflection. 

To be there and to see what my father saw when he was a child, made me understand every story he has told me ever since I have memory and made me enjoy every detail of the trip. So whenever I recall my trip to Cobquecura I can see it with my father's eyes.


  1. Did you get some fear coming from those rocks ? some people doesn't like caverns, but they are awesome.


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