Dried flowers and paper cranes

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My mom has always loved how pretty flowers and leafs would look during spring time and, in order to maintain their beauty, she would do the "drying ritual" that consist in the simple activity of drying them in books. I remember how excited I'd be to help her choose the most beautiful flowers and how impatient I felt everyday to see if, in an interval of a night ,there was in them any change at all.

Little by little and without noticing I ended up adopting my mother's hobby and maintain it until this day. Also, I've recently learned a bit of the art of the origami and also started collecting paper cranes and birds of different sizes and colors.

Although, at first, what interested me about those hobbies was how beautiful and appealing both dry flowers and leafs and paper cranes and birds look, but what made me maintain them is the process behind the product which is completely peaceful and calming, and those relaxing moments are what I enjoy the most about both hobbies. 

For me, hobbies are activities that you should enjoy and feel happy about. Something that you really want to do and have your mind into, otherwise they would turn into some monotonous burden that would only make you feel stressed. 

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Even though for many people it might have the effects described before, smoking is a hobby that, in the present, I would never do, not only because it has some really bad contributions to health, but also because I really can't stand neither the smell and sensation of the smoke.

Anyway, not only I would like to continue with my actual hobbies but I would also like to include one or two more. Maybe collecting mangas, comic books, CDs, movies, games or maybe all previously said, who knows. Only time (and money) will tell...


  1. what a beautiful hobby, that's not usual nowadays, I think you really love it...


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