To be or not to be

Since young, I've always dreamed about having many jobs, each and every one completely different from the other: from being a librarian or Spanish teacher to a podologist, then a history teacher to a scientist. 

Resultado de imagen para pharmacist illustration
This dream of mine, as I grew up, did nothing but get bigger and stronger, turning the selection of a specific career completely difficult for me. Although this topic did scare me for, almost, my entire secondary education it does not bother me at all now because I believe that I chose correctly and even if I did wrong I have the rest of my life to solve it.

Nevertheless, until this day, I'm completely satisfied in being a pharmacy student because it is a versatile career, something that makes me feel at ease because I'll have the possibility to do many things while working: I'll maybe work outdoors, maybe travel a lot due to work or even work in another country... Who knows?

Resultado de imagen para historyAnyway If I could turn back time, I might have chose a social science major, even though I sucked at history and specially geography during my school days.

About the salary, I'd love to say that I'll be happy just by doing what I love and worked hard for (maybe I will...). But, to be honest, I would like to receive a normal salary, I guess???????? A salary that will allow me to live safe and sound would be just enough for me. But, that's something that the "me" of the future will have to take care of. For now, I'll enjoy the life of a young and immature student that lives with her family as if there's no tomorrow. 


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