How to avoid the sun

Resultado de imagen para salar de atacama de noche
San Pedro de Atacama
To many many people, the summer holiday is an equivalent to beaches, parties and fun times and memories to make. Anyway, for a winter lover person, like me, it is a constant battle with the sun and the heat while keeping my mind as awake as I can, I get really drowsy in hot weather. 

Now, even though that the weather during summer is not my favorite I still, partly, enjoy my long awaited sleeping sessions and my endless, for the summer, free time, that for the last nineteen years I've wasted in being in an almost "vegetative" state. But this year I say no more of that, and for so I have many activities of my liking in mind. 

First and most importantly, I'll finish all of the books I've been planning to read since 3rd year of high school, I'll watch all of the movies and series I've been postponing because I had something else to do and last, but not least, I'll go to the theater (especially the Municipal because, damn, it is beautiful), maybe with some friends or maybe with my mom, I know that she's just as enthusiastic as me when it comes to the Municipal.  

Imagen relacionada
I don't really know if I'll travel outside of Santiago, but if I do I would happily go to Cobquecura with my family once again so I can see how different it is during summer. I would also love to go to Valdivia or Frutillar or to the Torres del Paine or maybe to the San Pedro de Atacama or Valle del Elqui both in the north of the country. 

Considering it now, I'll more probably go to Valparaiso so I can continue with my kind of expedition of its hills and all of the treasures they have. 

Next summer I'll be harder for me to avoid the sun, anyway I believe it's worth the sunburn if I'm doing the things I like with the people I enjoy to be with.

Sooooo, let's (hopefully) make our summers productive!


  1. Hi, nice post!
    Considering the places, also I would like travel to the torres del paine !!!
    regards c:


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