To be continued...

As new times arrives, new technologies are developed and so new knowledge (for us mere humans) can and must be learned. With this purpose in mind old methods of learning have changed, emerging in the renovation of old disciplines, the birth of new ones and the specialisation of both. Anyway all this effort is still not enough for everything there is to know and learn about and, thankfully, I believe it never will.
Resultado de imagen para mafalda pensando
Reflection should be considered as a paid job.

And where are we, students of educational establishments, placed in this complex picture? We, somehow, ended up with the BIG responsibility of contributing to the greater cause with our brains and lots of hard work. With that objective in mind we can decide to: 1) study, and 2) continue studying. With option 2 comes the BIG decision: postgraduate studies or not?

I must say that even though I'm impatient and lazy I'm also an enthusiast of learning (let me tell you, it's not that great of a combo, specially in science) so this has been quite the reflection of pros and cons, to be or not to be and quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur. 

As for now, I'm open for all possibilities, being it diplomas, master's degrees, PhD degrees and even higher specialisations. Nevertheless, what appeals to me the most it's the Pharmacology degree (was it for its interesting name or perhaps the colorful pamphlet?). Although I haven't made much research about it, I believe I might enjoy its course, specially Bioethics or History and Philosophy of the Sciences. I'd love to take this degree as a part-time course (if it's possible) because I believe it will suite me better. 

I'm also open for the possibility of studying in another country, anyway I don't have any specific country I would like to study in, not to mention a specific establishment...

Finally, as always, my conclusions is that only time will tell... 


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