When I first started as a pharmacy student the first thing I learned was that we were not only the youngster by age but also because our curriculum is different to the older students of our same career. The second thing I learned was that in the old curriculum Anatomy was imparted. 

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Since young, I've always imagined what it would be like to study the anatomy of the human body, to learn and recognize every bit of it and fully understand how it works. Sadly, this dream of mine won't be true yet, because the curriculum changed.  So if I could change just one thing about our current curriculum it would be to make a tiny bit similar to the older one, at least by adding Anatomy to it. 

Anyway, I know that the changes that were made to the curriculum had the purpose to relieve some of the workloads of the students. In short, to minimize the numbers of students that by the first years haven't completed all of their subjects in time or worst have had to leave because of how hard it was to do it. Because let's be honest, college is hard on its own, but by adding stress factors and, on top of it, ridiculously hard subjects (that obviously can be completed)... EUREKA! you've completed a bomb. 

Resultado de imagen para chemistry laboratoryAbout the faculty and only in terms of the aesthetics... jeez, add some trees and green to it. Now, all serious talk. I believe that the laboratories are fine, anyway, it would be superb if every department could have their own laboratory or laboratory complex. Or at least that there would be enough material and instruments so every student can use it on its own. As well as some changes in the classrooms such as repairing the connections with the data (I swear every teacher I've had since the start of the year have had problems with it). Please let's not forget about the faculty's casino!!1!1!!

Now, more serious talking... It's not as if everything was wrong with the teaching method applied in some subjects (the majority), but it could always be better. I would love to have a more openly social type of method, not only just memorizing, memorizing, applying on a test and then forgetting. Anyway, that's a super hard task that is completely possible to do and in order to have a complete change in the educational system that we are in, we such start from the beginning and that is primary school. 

The end.  


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